Vice-Chairwoman, Kadi Bizyayeva, talks about the relationship between Chinook Salmon and Stillaguamish Culture as part of the Tribal Health and Wellness series.
Kadi Bizyayeva discusses the types of hatcheries that different tribes use. She further goes into detail about which kind the Stillaguamish tribe uses, and the hatcheries desired outcomes.
Molli Myers talks about how Dams lead to fish kills, and how these kills are not always readily apparent until the returning population doesn't return. She briefly discusses restoration ideas once the Dams are removed.
Public User, Lummi Nation, Swinomish Indian Tribal Community
Native Sciences & Technology, Ways of Life
This episode will be the first of the Salmon People series where we share the voices of strong Indigenous youth who reflect on their cultural ties to salmon and vocalize why we must take action to save this crucial relative for the ecosystem and culture.
Our Sacred Obligation recounts the history of the Yurok Tribe’s struggle against the colonization of the Klamath River, which has sustained them since time immemorial.
In 2021, CSSP started a collaboration with the Swinomish people by creating a video series corresponding to the 13 Moons curriculum, offering a video for each moon.
In 2021, CSSP started a collaboration with the Swinomish people by creating a video series corresponding to the 13 Moons curriculum, offering a video for each moon.
In 2021, CSSP started a collaboration with the Swinomish people by creating a video series corresponding to the 13 Moons curriculum, offering a video for each moon.
In 2021, CSSP started a collaboration with the Swinomish people by creating a video series corresponding to the 13 Moons curriculum, offering a video for each moon.